Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Homeschooling Adventures of Two Stubborn Kids and their Absentminded Mother

Yesterday was a very bittersweet day -  not only was it the most disappointing inconclusive election day in history,  but it was also the day I submitted the official "Letters of Intent to Homeschool" for my 2 elementary kids.  

Today I have a huge pit in my is really sinking into my core am going to pull off this "mom/home schooling" thing.  Virtual school was one thing - easy to brush off the ineptness on the teachers or school.   Now it will be all my fault if my kids are complete idiots!  What was I thinking... the kids loved their school,   I loved the parents and community.   What the heck are we doing???

We are doing what every parent needs to seriously consider - homeschooling their children.    Schools today have lost their foothold.  Their hands are tied when it comes to disciplining children.  Their hands are tied with relation to COVID safety protocols.  "Stay away from your friends,  no touching, no seeing your teachers face and absolutely no hugs.   It just doesn't compute for us. We are in a true epidemic - one of anxious and depressed kids.

Homeschool - easy peasy right? -  Not in this household.   Two independent, strong willed, learning different (or disabled) kids and a Mom that has a hard time keeping her focus on one thing at a time. 
"Yeah,  homeschool,  sign me up!" said no parent ever in their right mind.    But here we are... maybe our school will just focus on PE, cooking and science projects all day, hmmm.

Truth is, my husband, Marc and I, had been considering homeschool for our kids since our oldest, Zach, was in kindergarten, yes, way before the COVID lockdown happened.  Our oldest is a enigma,  very challenging to teach.   Teachers have labled him every learning disability in the book and still the most seasoned teachers scratch their head and ask me for advice as to how to get him engaged.

Sounds like a recipe for success, right?   Well maybe or maybe we will just teach each other and have lots of fun along the way. 

So here we go... meet the players

Mom (Bev) - hopefully not the most distractable, disorganized homeschool parent out there.

Turn ons:  Other people's obedient children

Turn offs:   My children, sitting still, focusing on one thing at time

Favorite Food:   Steak, hamburgers or just cow meat in general... Cowboys too!

Meet Zachary Taylor (9) - the most interesting boy in the world, evil by day - cute by night.

Turn ons:  Bendy and Unspeakable
Turn offs:  Authority, getting taught to do anything, his sister, reading, writing, math
Favorite Food:   Sushi

Lauren Avery (8) -  bug lover extraordinaire, cute by day - evil by night.

Turn ons:  OMG and LOL's,  all creatures big and small, and blankets.
Turn offs:  Her brother,  school assignments, wearing only one outfit a day.
Favorite Food:   Green Olives and Pickles


  1. Hmmm, Sounds like every parents precept to the challenges of raising children in the 21st century or now that I think of it any century. What I do know for a fact that if you Love them, laugh with them, keep them from hurting themselves, Love them some more and they will probably turn out more like you than you could imagine. Great (no bias involved) Keeping your sanity is a whole other issue

  2. Congrats on your decision to homeschool. I wish you luck on your epic journey.

  3. I am looking forward to this Bev!! I loved your blog on your bike trip. Hope you are able to keep this up!! I forwarded the link to Renee; I think she will also enjoy it.


Hawai'i - Coconuts and Pineapple All Day

So for the past month, Zach has been singing this song he created about Hawaii.   It is now etched in my brain for fricking ever... not sure...