Thursday, November 19, 2020

Day 10 - Carpet Cleaner Repair Anyone???

 Today was an early morning catch up day.  Lauren spent the morning listening to audiobooks with our dog Tabor and working on her Prodigy math skills.

 Zach finished "writing" (he uses voice to text) his latest book The Dark Crystal.   This book is amazing!   I'll post the finished copy at the end of this blog thread.

Meanwhile I disassembled our Hoover Carpet Cleaner.   Earlier in the week I spent countless hours cleaning our upstairs carpet only to discover that the brushes weren't spinning.  The result was dirty streaked lines all over our white carpets.   Ugh!   Nothing like spending all day cleaning carpets and then realizing you made them look worse.

So, the optimistic homeschool teacher in me,  says "Hey kids,  what a great project!   Let's take apart the vaccum and see if we can fix it."

"Nah,  that's boring mom."   

Ok, fair enough,  I expected that from Lauren.   But how about Zach?

"Zach,   isn't this cool!  Look at the inside of the carpet cleaner!"  I wishfully pleaded,  thinking that there had to be some silver lining to my carpet cleaner fiasco.

"Maybe later... I'm working on my book." he called from the bedroom.

"Fine,  I'll fix this myself"  I thought as I struggled through the YouTube video instructions, pausing the video every minute.   Eventually I discovered the rusty ball bearing and was able to oil it and reassemble the machine without even breaking a nail!    Nice!

Even nicer was the fact that the kids were so engaged and occupied in their own learning today.  Two wins for me.

It was 75 degrees and beautiful outside today.   The perfect day to spend outside in the mountains.    We packed up the car and a few audio books on New Mexico and headed up to visit our friends in Nederland.    Audiobooks in the car are perfect,especially driving up the canyon- captive audience and no phone reception!

If you'd like to read the creative works of Zach Leveque -  please use the link.


  1. Good story Zach! I think you should keep writing.

  2. I was transported to another time and place, it is what I love about a good book it takes you to new and exciting places. Thank You Zach

  3. Sounds like you are definitely a creative writer Zach!! Keep telling stories!!

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Hawai'i - Coconuts and Pineapple All Day

So for the past month, Zach has been singing this song he created about Hawaii.   It is now etched in my brain for fricking ever... not sure...